Wednesday 30 April 2014

Task 5c & 5d : Ethical Framework learning


1. a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture
2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics. 
3. moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a confidence. 
4. that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions. 

If I'm completely honest with myself I'm finding this module extremely brain challenging and have great difficulty focusing on the reading through to then writing. I suppose I take for granted my understanding of ethics in relation to my profession and feel I follow and uphold what is expected of me. However on reading through relevant material it seems that as a provider of private dance tuition my compliance with ethics is set by myself and whilst I endeavour to follow those set out by the societies who I teach under the ultimate responsibility and ruling is of my doing, whilst fellow students who work for local education authorities are accountable to their school or authority. I very much appreciate this position and as I would like my journey of learning to guide my career in an alternative direction and maybe towards more state bound teaching then I feel I have to be abreast of these differences and expectations if indeed my current ethical considerations are not comparable.

Within Reader 5 we discover that ethics is sectioned into 3 areas of Personal, Professional and Organisational. 

Personal Ethics : where we determine what we consider to be right and wrong within our personal lives. Some believe that we are guided by a greater being - a god or divine existence, from this we follow the path of good or evil, right and wrong. Knowing that to hurt or injure another being is not an ethical action. Whilst I am a believer of religion and faith after spending many years attending Sunday school and church from being very young I do believe that in today's society the responsibility of teaching right from wrong lies with that of the parent and whilst you are deemed the enemy by your children for many reasons as you challenge them with rules and objectives in the long term you will then provide them with the pathway to a positive future and in turn they can pass this onto their children and  so on. Too many times I have come into contact with young children who I know with a more suitable upbringing/environment would benefit from a more positive start in life on the path to good morals and success. 

Professional Ethics : fundamental principles of any given profession encourage integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. Most of these are as guided by the workplace/organisation that individuals are employed by. As previously mentioned I personally feel I uphold these values within my own business and these expectations are placed upon my staff. However to support and accentuate my own principles I follow those as set by the ISTD and RAD to who I am registered as a teacher and ultimately without the support and underpinning of these  I would not have the ability to follow a structured syllabus which in turn provides my students with recognised qualifications through assessment. 

Organisational Ethics :  this is the next step in the level of ethics and refers to in my case the ISTD and RAD and who they are answerable to. What guidance they have in place must be in line with ethical standards as set out by government and regulation standards. 
There are at least four elements that aim to create an ethical culture and behaviour of employees within an organisation.
1) a written code of ethics and standards
2) ethics training for executives, managers, and employees

3) the availability of ethical situational advice (i.e. advice lines or offices)
4) confidential reporting systems

The application of ethics in all areas provides a understanding for all those concerned of what is expected, how it will be done and is ultimately a set of rules which in most cases is what we as human beings exist on - without these what sort of world would we live in ?  
I value Ethics within with my personal and professional life and endeavour to always execute what I deem to be good practise in relation to these. In todays world children are extremely self-aware of what is acceptable and ultimately unacceptable and are no longer 'seen and not heard' as in days gone by. They have a greater understanding of their rights and can act on them if necessary, therefore being in the profession of teaching, I as a teacher have a greater responsibility to provide an ethical led place of learning. 

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